<p>As the Cold War has thawed, and the importance of the strategic bomber fleet waned, so the strike/attack aircraft has emerged as the most important offensive tool in most combat scenarios, a fact graphically illustrated during the Gulf War when sophisticated strike platforms accounted for most of the destruction dealt out to Iraqi forces.
<p>At the sophisticated end of the range, the US Air Force currently has three aircraft types: the F-117, F-111F and F-15E. All share the capability to employ precision-guided munitions which, though expensive to procure, possess such accuracy that they are often far more cost-effective than conventional ordnance. In fact, such an argument has led the US Air Force to favor the high-technology approach to most of its tactical requirements rather than spend its money on larger forces.
<p>Lockheed's F-117 'Stealth Fighter' is the undeniable current 'star' of the US Air Force following its superb achievements in the Gulf War. Blessed with the ability to penetrate air defenses unseen, its weapon system allows the delivery of ordnance with unerring accuracy. Only one wing is equipped with the type, but its abilities are such that it has great applications in many different combat scenarios. Although not publicly stated, it seems certain that the aircraft could be employed in the tactical nuclear role for which the F-111 and F-15E are currently used.
<p>Much overlooked in the Gulf War was the contribution made by the General Dynamics F-111. In its F-111F form (with Pave Tack target acquisition/designation pod), the elderly 'Aardvark' is still fully capable of operating in a dense threat environment, with a combat range half-again greater than the newer F-15E. The McDonnell Douglas F-15E is a two-seat Eagle fighter fully missionized for the strike/attack role but retaining the phenomenal air-to-air capabilities of its progenitor.
<p>Here, at last, is an aircraft made for the 1990s USAF. In many ways the first 'complete warplane', the F-15E represents the state of the art in strike technology, combining the extraordinary powers of the APG-70 radar with a full night/adverse weather kit which includes infra-red and terrain-following radar. Laser designation ensures accuracy when using precision-guided munitions, and the many pylons can accommodate virtually every item of ordnance in the USAF inventory, allowing the F-15E to perform battlefield or interdiction missions with equal ease. And yet, it is still an Eagle, and with bombs gone and fuel tanks punched off the F-15E can outfight most opposition. No doubt at a later date roles such as reconnaissance and defense suppression could be added.